Hi! My name is Kellie Furney Wachter and I am an awarding winning quilter and miniature artist I have just been awarded artisan status within the International Guild of Miniature Artists for my work in miniature quilting, and I can add a second Blue Ribbon to my collection from the South Carolina State Fair. The first for my Baltimore Album and the second for my minature crazy quilt. YEA!!!!!!
I thought when I did it, that the Mokes would be my favorite quilt block, because I dreamed it up and because that was our favorite beach the three years we were on O'ahu. But now that I have finished the Aloha block, my favor falls on it and for many reasons too. First, I love all the color! Second I love the symbolism. Each floral motif represents the different islands in the State, but more than that, they remind me of special things. Each one attached to a different memory of our time in Hawaii. While choosing the fabrics for this block I refered to a book on Lei that I got while living there and I was reminded of how amazing the floral arts are in Hawaii. I love the way people in Hawaii look for reasons to give one another lei, and the pagentry of the Hula Halaus and Pa'u riders decked out in all their floral finery. I love how they festoon party halls with palms and ginger, the extravagance of it all an everyday thing for them, but for me a child of the desert southwest, it was a sight to behold, and one I love going back to in my memory. so this block brings all that back to mind for me. To look at this block I am reminded of all the lei I wore while there, the smell of flowers in the air, the wind showing me the silvery backs of the kukui tree leaves on the mountain sides. The brilliant red of the Ohia blossoms against a bright blue sky on the big island, and ilima growing alongside a hiking trail on O'ahu...yep, this block is officially my favorite.