When you talk to miniaturists, one of the first things they ask you is how many dollhouses you have. I always felt a little guilty saying "one little cottage" because the hardcore miniaturist usually has several houses, some of them quite large. When I first started out I had my one cottage that I filled with inexpensive things, and castoffs from other miniaturists, who's tastes and budgets had moved to a higher level. It was my goal at the time just to get it filled and being small enough to fit was my only criteria. The result was a ho-hum house with a few "cute" things, but nothing that would impress a fellow miniaturist.
Since then my tastes and budget have improved so I knew it was time to upgrade my lone cottage. At some point in my miniature "career" I had decided rather than a large quantity of miniatures, my goal would be to have few, but to have the best I could afford. So with that in mind I set about renovating my cottage. . I gutted it and started to work on my vision. It does not hold a lot, but what is in there is high grade stuff! I call it Nest Egg Cottage and its inspired by the art of Marjolien Bastin. It turned out just as I had imagined it. I knew I hit the mark when my husband, looking inside said " You did it to look like where you would want to live didn't you!" He was so right! It pleases me that the house says that to him, and that he knows me well enough to hear it speaking. It is my dream cottage and if I could find a bottle labeled "Drink Me" I would move in today.