Its been over year since we said goodbye to Milford our dog. Its been hard getting used to not having an animal in the house after 14 years with Milfy. We have decided to put off getting another dog until retirement so that we both will be free to travel during our last few years with the Military. We soon realized that we needed a pet. Fish were an option because they could be left unattended, with the help of an automatic feeder, for days at a time, but they lacked fur,which we knew was something we were definitely looking for. We soon realized that a Hamster would bridge the gap between the carefree but also snuggle free nature of fish and the furry cuddles we craved from a dog, but with the ability to be on on its own for a few days at a time. When we brought our little hamster home from the pet store it was still fairly young and we were told by the pet store employee that it was a little boy hamster and so we chose the name Mr. Humphries from an old Britcom that we used to enjoy. As Mr. Humphries matured we noticed his anatomy did not correspond with the anatomical drawings of male hamsters in the helpful books I had purchased on Hamster Husbandry. No, our little Mr. Humphries is most definitely a girl, but the name remains.
She has a lot of personality for such a little thing. She willingly steps onto our hands to leave her cage every evening for a chance to explore the world outside. She will drop most anything to take a peanut in her little paws, and when she hears the crinkle of the bag that holds her yogurt drops she always sits up and takes notice. We call her our methadone Dog, since she is helping to take the edge off our Doggy withdrawal. She is not as obviously delighted to see us as a dog would be, but in her own small ways, she lets us know she is pleased we are there and I am happy to say the feelings are mutual.