I don't have a bucket list in the traditional sense. That is to say, there is no paper on which it is written, but I do have in the back of my mind a list of sorts. Things that have always held my interest or that I have always hoped to do. Its a strange compilation of things that matter only to me. Some of the items are no surprise"see the pyramids of Giza" for example, but one of the stranger things has always been to be able to identify poison ivy. Its not common on the high plains where I grew up if it exists there at all and I never had to worry about running afoul of it. It did bother me that I might though since I had no earthly idea of how to spot it. Its not as easy as it seems because poison ivy is a chameleon of a plant. Its leaves may be notched or smooth, it may be growing as a vine, or a bush...But still that rhyme stuck in my brain "leaves of three, let it be" So on a recent trip to the Columbia Zoo I spotted the plant pictured above and wondered aloud if it might be poison ivy. We did not know, and Steve refused to test it out on his arm...so I had to settle on snapping a picture and researching it later. Much to my delight, I can finally put a mental check mark next to "Identify Poison Ivy" on my strange little unwritten Bucket list.
You go girl! You always seem to do anything you really want to.
Thanks Mom, Wait till you see tomorrows post ;o)