Hi! My name is Kellie Furney Wachter and I am an awarding winning quilter and miniature artist I have just been awarded artisan status within the International Guild of Miniature Artists for my work in miniature quilting, and I can add a second Blue Ribbon to my collection from the South Carolina State Fair. The first for my Baltimore Album and the second for my minature crazy quilt. YEA!!!!!!
I sure won the husband lottery when I married Steve. At the end of my epic Journey this is what I found. he had sent flowers to NM to be there when I got there, a dozen multi colored roses complete with a little recorded message that played when you pressed the white spot on the heart. It was a beautiful surprise and the roses lasted for days and days reminding me of what a good guy I married. There was another bouquet too! My Mom, before Steve's roses came bought some yell0w roses,my favorite! So when I went into the room that was mine for the next two months there was another big bouquet looking so perfect I doubted they were real and had to take a closer look. What a treat to be showered with roses! I tell you nothing makes you feel more special than unexpected flowers! The best are the ones that come to the door completely unexpected. The doorbell rings and you are annoyed because you look like hell and don't want to answer it, but you do because it could be important...and there they stand with a bouquet of flowers just for you. Its like being queen for a day, no?
Flowers for no particular reason (except that someone is thinking of you) are a treat indeed. Gerry knew I loved gardenias and when they were in season, I got plenty. A bunch in our bedroom, a bunch in the bathroom and a bunch in the living room. The fragrance was pure heaven! Gardenias replaced lilacs from the mainland which you can't get here. When I was a kid, it seemed we had a bush outside my window wherever we lived. Spring was especially glorious when they bloomed and that wonderful fragrance would float in my room in the evening. Now lilac perfume and incense will have to suffice. It is wonderful though when our menfolk think of us and show it with flowers!
Jamie had said at mothers day that she didn't know what to get for me so she got flowers. I reminded her that I did not have a man in my life and they are the ones that send you flowers, therefore I was delighted with them. Lo& behold flowers appeared for Grandparents day also. What a treat. Kee, then you convinced me to take up fresh flower arranging and I am loving it.I have a way to go, but am getting pretty good at it. You are also right you did get the outstanding husband but I've always known that.
Flowers for no particular reason (except that someone is thinking of you) are a treat indeed. Gerry knew I loved gardenias and when they were in season, I got plenty. A bunch in our bedroom, a bunch in the bathroom and a bunch in the living room. The fragrance was pure heaven! Gardenias replaced lilacs from the mainland which you can't get here. When I was a kid, it seemed we had a bush outside my window wherever we lived. Spring was especially glorious when they bloomed and that wonderful fragrance would float in my room in the evening. Now lilac perfume and incense will have to suffice. It is wonderful though when our menfolk think of us and show it with flowers!
ReplyDeleteJamie had said at mothers day that she didn't know what to get for me so she got flowers. I reminded her that I did not have a man in my life and they are the ones that send you flowers, therefore I was delighted with them. Lo& behold flowers appeared for Grandparents day also. What a treat. Kee, then you convinced me to take up fresh flower arranging and I am loving it.I have a way to go, but am getting pretty good at it. You are also right you did get the outstanding husband but I've always known that.