Hi! My name is Kellie Furney Wachter and I am an awarding winning quilter and miniature artist I have just been awarded artisan status within the International Guild of Miniature Artists for my work in miniature quilting, and I can add a second Blue Ribbon to my collection from the South Carolina State Fair. The first for my Baltimore Album and the second for my minature crazy quilt. YEA!!!!!!
The question for today is what is the name of your spouse. I figured it was as good a time as any to explore the intricacies of Steve' name and lineage, it gets a little confusing...His name is Steven Edward Wachter. He takes his middle name from his Dad, who was James Edward Wachter. But before James Edward was a Wachter he was a Richardson. His father was named James Edward Richardson, a man from New York City who was of Swedish descent so the family lore says. He married Anna Bach and then in time little James Edward was born. Sadly James Sr died of pneumonia just a few months after his son was born. Eventually Anna married Fred Wachter who promptly adopted his bride's son and gave him the name he carried the rest of his life and passed on to his children and many of their children. So now the world has a whole branch of Wachters who are true Wachters in all ways save genetic. I think they are proud be be called the grand children of Fred Wachter, a man they all loved well. It does sadden me though that the Richardson line is all but lost. For all we know James Richardson might have been a wonderful father and husband and would have been proud of his grandchildren, had he lived to know them. So not meaning to diminish the gift of Fred Wachters life and name, I want to be sure to include James Edward Richardson in the discussion about the name of my spouse.
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