Our current house in Columbia, SC |
The tile of this post is a variation of a quote by Martha Summerhayes. She had cast her lot with a soldier, but my life has been spent with Airmen. First Daddy who brought me from Nevada to New Mexico and then Steve who took me everywhere else. The question is "Do I live in the city or the suburbs?" The answer to that depends on when you are asking! My first home was in Indian Springs, NV and that does not even qualify for much of anything let alone a suburb or a city. Clovis was most definitely a town boasting a population of around 35,000 people when I lived there. I spent most of my life in Clovis at 921 W plaza, but also spent some time in Base housing on Market loop, short stints on Cameo, Ross, 10th street and Wright Street. The first two when I was very little and the last two when I had grown. Wright Street was where Steve and I had our first apartment and became friends with Lona and Dwight Waldo. Lona interestingly enough had also been my first grade teacher way back in the day at Ranchvale Elementary. I spent roughly a year in Amarillo living in the Nantucket Apartments with Cathy Clancy until a fist fight over a beer can pyramid brought the whole unhappy period to a close. For the record I was the one who was anti-beer can. Even back then I was a nester who wanted nothing more than a nice well appointed home. Beer cans did not then and do not now feature in my idea of a well appointed home...let me amend that statement...EMPTY beer cans do not feature.
Since then my homes have always been pleasant, and while I have lived technically in cities proper, it has never had that urban loft apartment lifestyle I think of when I think of urban dwellers. I have usually lived in a detached or semi detached house with a lawn, though there were exceptions. We lived in a three story Dutch duplex in Terschuur; a small village in the middle of the farmland of Gelderland. Then we moved into base housing in Soesterberg, The NL where we were stacked up like cord wood. From there we went to a ranch house in Lubbock Texas, the first house we owned. Another military duplex at Offut AFB near Omaha Nebraska was our next stop. Something we called stairwell housing in Kaiserlsautern Germany came after that. That was as close to urban living as I have gotten. Vogelweh Military housing are apartment buildings that have three stairwells each. In each stairwell there are four floors and two apartments per floor so a total of 24 families lived in each building. We lived on the the third floor on the outside edge of the building. We had no yard, so taking Milford out for his potty brakes several times a day got to be a real pain in the butt, but we got fit doing it. We even got in the habit of racing each other up the stairs...couldn't pay me to run up three flights of stairs now! From Germany we went to our house in Alabama. We bought it sight unseen off the Internet. A risky move we knew, but the gamble paid off and we sold it at a small profit after only two years because we were off to Hawaii! The house we rented there was nothing to write home about, a standard dated 60's ranch house badly in need of updating, but it was in an exclusive neighborhood called Maunawili and our back yard looked straight up the Ko'olau mountains. On rainy days silvery thin water falls would come down the green fluted cliffs. I counted 20 one day. It was a view we never tired of. After a while you generally stop noticing your surroundings. That never happened in Hawaii. We treasured each day there. Finally, the second to last house I will live in, or so I hope, is this house, also secured sight unseen over the Internet. We are only renting this time so it was not the okole clencher that the first one was. We gambled and won again. Its a perfectly adequate house that has served its purpose well. Of all the houses though it has seemed the least like home and I know it is because Zach has never lived here. In about a year from now we will pack up the boxes one more time and move home for good, back to NM where I can finally spend all I want on flower bulbs knowing that I will get to stick around and watch them bloom.