All The Dogs I've Loved Before
Milford |
Winslow |
I am an animal Person. I cannot think of a time when I was not. I can remember as a child thinking that when I was grown up and could do what ever I wanted I would have any kind of pet that I liked. And through the years I have had quite a variety of animal companions. Dogs and cats naturally, but I have also kept tortoises, ferrets, a bird, hamsters, fish, a rabbit, a snake and even a crawdad, he was not a pet so much as a prisoner, but I was only 7 what did I know about crawdad husbandry? If I had to choose one from the list though it would be a no brainer, Its dogs all the way for me baby, and Rat Terriers to be specific. We got our first rat in Lubbock. Milford was his name, and what a dog he was! We had him for almost 14 years. His life as a military dependant was not easy. Though a house dog, he did enjoy the outdoors and for 6 years of his 14 he really did not have the opportunity except in a 6x4 kennel or at the end of a leash. So when we moved to Alabama we gave him the yard to do with as he pleased. He lived up to his breeding and actively hunted the small game on our property coming happily through the doggy door with his muzzle caked in dirt from hunting his prey. I am glad we did that and let him pursue his bliss as they say. When we got to Hawaii, the yard was a paved lanai. By then he was was losing his sight, hearing and mobility so a warm slab of concrete was a fair trade for the wilderness of a yard he had just left, but he did have two good years doing as he pleased in Alabama. When the time came that we had to let him go we swore off dogs for a while but in a few years we were ready and we went straight for another Rat Terrier. This time we found Winslow. Milford and Winslow share the same breed, but that is where the similarities end. Milford was an overweight chow hound, Winslow is finicky and only a few skipped meals away from anorexia. Milford was stubborn and intransigent, Winslow is compliant and easily over corrected. Milford would bolt every chance he got, Winslow stays in his yard and comes right back in the house when called. Milford was a true feist, bold and fearless. Winslow is far more skittish. They could not possibly be any more different than they are, and I am glad. I want Milford to always be Milford and Winslow to be Winslow. Its easy to love Winslow knowing that he cannot possibly ever be thought of as a Milford substitute. And one day I know we will bring home another rat terrier puppy and think how happy we are that he is nothing like our dear Winslow.
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