What was supposed to be a fun, quick little blog entry about the wonderful weekend I just had with some friends at the Helen, Georgia Oktoberfest has now turned into a study of grief and frustration. Somebody somewhere arbitrarily decided to go and make my life better by tweaking the process of uploading photos to my blog. When I first decided to face my computer fears and learn to blog I got a handle on how to do it and things were great. Then we switched from Kodak to Picasa for managing our photos and I had to learn a new process, then we switched from a PC to a mac and I had to learn a new process, each time I struggled through learning the new way and thought that once and for all it was behind me and I could happily blog away without any more computer angst, and now suddenly and for no apparent reason, I cannot upload the pictures the way I used to. Did the good people at Google switch something on me without notice? Did Steve rearrange the properties of i-photo unbeknownst to me? Who knows. All I know is a few weeks ago I did it without a hitch and now this morning...well suffice it to say I am going to have to re-learn again! If you do not see a new post in a while you can bet its just me postponing the inevitable frustration of starting over at square one. Now I am too annoyed at the hour I spent trying to upload my photo to wax eloquent about friends and fun in Georgia mountains, maybe later, but don't hold your breath.