Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Guess Who's coming to Dinner?

When we lived in Lubbock Steve took part time Job at Dimba's Chick-n-Sea. That's how we came to know Stellah and Alex Dimba. They were born and raised in Kenya, but both emigrated as young adults and met each other in America. We lived only a block apart, so Stellah and I started exercising together every morning. We grew to be good friends those 3 years we lived in Lubbock and so now whenever we pass through Lubbock we stop at Dimba's for a bite to eat and a chance to see our old friends. This summer was no exception. Zach and I had gone to Lubbock to spend a day shopping and we stopped in to see the Dimba's and that was when we made plans to join them for dinner at that their house when we went back to Lubbock a week later to pick Steve up at the Air Port. They have cousins who live in Lubbock and they were coming over for dinner too. We had gathered around the kitchen helping to prepare the meal when we saw the cousins pull up in their car. Little Kia, pictured above with Stellah and her daughter Connie came tearing into Auntie Stellah's house. She turned to look and saw me, Steve and Zach standing there and she shrieked "There's White People in there!" and ran right back out to her mother. There was a pregnant pause in the house as what had happened soaked in and then almost as if on cue we all busted up laughing! Poor Kia, somebody really ought to have warned her. She was quite traumatized and cried for several minutes, I think more of embarrassment than anything. Once the shock wore off she was dancing around the house as if nothing ever happened. I bet she remembers us for a long time, I know I will never forget her!

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  1. Too funny. Reminds me of my first trip back to the mainland after being away for many years. I kept thinking that something was different but couldn't put my finger on it until this epiphany: I realized I was around more white people in one place than I usually was in Hawaii. I think you can relate to that Kellie!

  2. I love this story! What a shame there is a need to tell it in this day and age. I don't believe God ever meant to be this way You have met such wonderful people and made such good friends,in your travels, you being one of them June, What a blessed family you are. My little "homebody" who was never going to leave home and if she ever married, well he could just live with us! AND LIKE IT!!!

  3. This is to funny! It reminds me of our adventure with The Miners to Disney World! At one point on the trip Brandy said "Mom" and I replied " What?" Brandy said " not you! I'm talking to the brown Mom?" We laughed for several miles and after that when ever a kid said "Mom" we would always ask,"which one? The brown or white?"
