Last night while we were getting ready for bed I thought about my upcoming birthday. I will turn 44 this month, and I realized I have spent more years with Steve that without him. Its a strange thing when you think about it, hitching your life to another persons...especially if that person is from New Jersey! We just got back from a wedding in New Jersey, our niece Kelly who attended our own wedding when she was twelve finally tied the not with her significant other Lou.
I remember my first trip to New Jersey to meet Steve's family, it was surreal to say the least. Steve comes from a large family and when you add in spouses and children and the occasional cousin or family of the in laws and long time friends the crowd can be overwhelming. Not to mention sitting in a crowd of people all talking with thick New Joisy accents. Now, having spent the last 22 years in the family I feel less of an outsider at the gatherings. I know who everybody is, and I have been to the familiar places in New Jersey often enough now that it seems less foreign to me. Plus, now that the grand kids have started marrying, I am no longer the newest member of the family, a torch I am happy to finally pass. I wonder who will be the next one to make a trip to the altar? I think the smart money is on our niece Pam and her new boyfriend Ryan!
I'm so glad you went to the altar with the man you did!!!!