Monday, November 22, 2010

Treasure Hunt, the first of five

This is the first of my five miniature quilts that I am making to submit to IGMA The International Guild of Miniature Artisans for an Artisan certificate. Artisan status within the guild is highly prized and not easy to get. Most who apply are turned down on their first submission, so I really do not know what to expect, but I do know I am pleased with this, my first effort. I call it "Treasure Hunt" because of the jewel tone colors, the central theme of gold and for the over 20 "I SPy" motifs I have embroidered on the quilt. See if you can spot some of them...A mushroom, a bouquet of flowers, a key, a pair of cherrys, a spider and her web, a peacock feather and a tropical island...I know its not easy to see them on the screen, but if you look closely you might find a few. While your at it, notice the gold feather stitching, about sixteen of them to the inch!


  1. I spy a bird's nest, mushroom, dragon fly, spider and her web, flag, bouquet of flowers, two cherries, key, flower, tree branch, acorn, bow, peacock feather, bee, tropical island with a palm tree, basket of flowers and a many did I get correct?

  2. Wow eagle eye! You got almost all of them! There are two wreaths, a starburst and and cluster of grapes too.

  3. Wow! I'm impressed with both Kellie and Cameron. Sorry Kee, It is beautiful work, but it makes my eyes and hands ache. I did see the key and the spider and web.
